Beyond tikoy this Chinese New Year - SunStar

Beyond tikoy this Chinese New Year

By Meg Rivera


MY knowledge and extent of Chinese New Year extends to the color red, red envelopes stuffed with money and the emergence of tikoy in the fridge. Filipino society has embraced this celebration as part of its culture, as has the rest of the world. Heck, even the President has declared it a special non-working holiday!

Social studies class always focuses on the Filipino history, traced back to the natives who inhabited the area. We rarely see how much the Chinese have truly influenced our culture, from the expressions that we use to the food that we eat. We should try to know a bit more about the most important day of their year, and not just eat the food that is associated with it.

This week, we look at three apps that aim to educate the newbies about this day of the year. Whether or not you celebrate this holiday, it’s always good to try and open your mind a little more. Have fun with these apps, and may prosperity follow your family for the rest of the year. Gung hei fat choi!

Chinese-New-Year-iconAApp name: Chinese New Year

App developer: Ah Ong

Available on: Windows

Easy to use: Did you know that the celebrations actually run for 15 days? This app is a guide that takes you through the rituals and ceremonies for each day and what its significance is.

Overall comment: This is so beautifully designed, that I’m surprised Android and iOS haven’t got this on their platforms. There is also a little blurb written for the deity assigned for each day. It strikes a great balance between educating and entertaining, and even the little ones might enjoy this. A great educational tool, as well as an entertaining piece of imagery. Three clicks out of five.

Chinese-New-Year-2015-iconAApp name: Chinese New Year 2015

App developer: FOYO

Available on: Google Play

Easy to use: 2015 is the year of the Wooden Sheep – and this app is your guide to everything you need to know about this sign. From food to auspicious days, this has got you covered. It even has a great little page that tells you about the history of the sheep’s sign.

Overall comment: In our culture this isn’t seen as something very significant. To the Chinese however (at least for the traditional ones), your sign will influence major decisions in your life. This app also contains an idiot’s guide to the newbie celebrating Lunar New Year. So if you are wanting to jump right into the celebrations and not feel like an outsider, this one is for you. Three clicks out of five.

Lunar-New-Year-iconAApp name: Lunar New Year

App developer: Georgia Regents University

Available on: iTunes

Easy to use: Developed by students at Georgia Regents, their purpose was to educate non-Chinese people about the Lunar New Year. They’ve done so by making an educational game of it. You play as Shi the Lion, collecting coins throughout the village and unlocking different stories around the New Year.

Overall comment: I first thought of my youngest sister when I saw this app. She is in a Filipino-Chinese school, with absolutely zero knowledge of the culture. I think people like her would appreciate learning about such an important day for her school in a fun and interactive way. This is great for kids, and for the slightly competitive adult in your life. Four clicks out of five.

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