Sensible things to do after graduation - SunStar

Sensible things to do after graduation

Text by Angelica Fernandez


FRESH graduates have many things going on in their minds right now. Many of them have numerous plans, yet for one reason or another, these remain undone and forgotten months after graduation. Some may have fixed decisions, instantly going for a full-time career. But there’s quite a number of fresh graduates who are faced with uncertainties: should they jump into the “real” world right away or not? If you feel you’re among the “Undecided,” here’s a list of what you can do to make your time after throwing that toga cap as productive and meaningful as can be.

Illustration by Geraldine Sypiecco
Illustration by Geraldine Sypiecco

Go travel.

This is the perfect time to fulfill your adventure escapades with your family and friends, or maybe by yourself. After finally surviving piles of paper works, deadlines and exams, you get to have real leisure time (at last!). Go and seek adventures. Explore the hidden sceneries in the city or appreciate what nature has to offer. Take a travel journal with you to accompany you in your post-graduation getaway.

Do part-time (Read: Get a job that’s not necessarily THE job).

While enjoying your freedom outside school, might as well indulge in part-time jobs that you’re passionate about or maybe a job that is closely related to your hobbies. Be a writer, florist, designer, yoga teacher, English tutor, a receptionist, or a barista. Grab the opportunity to do what you want now. Think of this “part-time job” as a stepping stone in your career and as a means of self-improvement. Immerse yourself in areas that you’re most comfortable with. And the good thing is, you get paid while doing the job. Newsflash: You just got the best of both worlds!

Start saving money!

Money doesn’t fall from trees. You have to work for it. And while you might feel that you’ve earned your keep, that doesn’t mean you should just splurge all that cash away. Set spending limits. And while you’re still young, be practical and learn to value and manage your finances. Start investing while you’re still in your 20s and soon enough, you’ll be on your way to financial maturity for you and your family’s benefit.

Pursue a post-internship.

If you believe in the mantra that “there’s always room for improvement,” then think about taking a post-internship. Pursuing an internship after graduation allows you to grow individually and professionally. You will gain more experiences than what you had in your required practicum hours. Surrounding yourself with professionals helps in your development as a mature individual. Plus, you’ll find those experiences useful for your resume!

Best of all, enjoy.

The bottom line is, you get to decide for yourself what you should do after graduation. Whatever it is that you are up to, whether you’re job-hunting or going on vacations and trips, make sure to have fun. Nothing makes you happier when you do what you love and love what you do.

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