Finding meaning in hopeless situations - SunStar

Finding meaning in hopeless situations

Book by Viktor Frankl

Man's-Search-for-Meaning“HE WHO has a why to live can bear with almost any how” was the line that got me and made me read on and discover a whole new way of looking at life, suffering and meaning.

Man’s Search for Meaning by psychiatrist Viktor Frankl is the kind of book that withstands the test of time and nourishes not just the creative and curious mind but also the thirsty soul.

It is a relatively short book which is divided into two parts. The first part contains the author’s account of his experiences in one of the Nazi concentration camps, while the second more academic part contains an introduction to his brand of psychotherapy, logotherapy. He used the first part as basis for his claims and ideas in the academic part.

At first sight, one might think that this book is either boring or will only be enjoyed by Psychology and counseling enthusiasts. However, Frankl has written it so well that whatever doubts you may have had in the beginning will immediately disappear. The way he narrated his concentration camp experience was like no other.

There have been many books on this topic, but this one stands out because it isn’t just a mere narrative on the brutality of the captors and the sad, desolate and seemingly hopeless situation the prisoners.

Frankl, having written this book while struggling to survive inside the concentration camp, spoke of how one can find meaning and hope in seemingly hopeless situations, and even in one’s own suffering.

One need not experience the concentration camp nor be well-versed in psychology or counseling to appreciate this masterpiece. Anyone who has suffered in their own way, or has asked themselves “what is the meaning of life?” can relate and pick up a thing or two from this book. (Samantha Mendez, Teacher & PHD student)

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